Bob Oeschler
Bob Oeschler joined the US Air Force in 1968 in the American Forces Radio
and Television service filming classified prototype weapons systems during
the Vietnam War. When he returned to the US, he spent eighteen months at
Wright-Patterson AFB before working for NASA, specialising in missions
technical analysis as a prototype designer of control and mobile
surveillance systems.
He gets his information from his alleged contacts in the US Intelligence
Community. A controversial character, his work in ufology seems to be OK,
even though he has made the odd wild claim.
He has claimed to have worked on a government project called
"Cosmic Journey" which was an exhibition of the various US space missions
and included a section on aliens. He claims that there was going to be a
UFO in the exhibition along with a cryogenically preserved alien body.
This project was then shelved indefinitely due to the 1988 US presidential
Then, in October 1993, he gave a radio interview on
BBC Radio One and claimed that he had observed a UFO from 200 feet in
the Nevada desert and basically hijacked ROBERT LAZAR's story,
claiming that everything Lazar heard and saw, he heard and saw too.
In other words, whilst his UFO investigations work is very good
(he did a very thorough and professional analysis of the GULF BREEZE photos
with Bruce Maccabee), his claims of secret government projects are
very suspect.